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AYO VAKSIN (Let’s get vaccinated), reports from the Public Relations Team on the First Phase of Vaccination by the TNI-Polri in Mimika Regency

AYO VAKSIN (Let’s get vaccinated), reports from the Public Relations Team on the First Phase of Vaccination by the TNI-Polri in Mimika Regency


Sabtu, 20 Maret 2021 – 11:29 WIB

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Police Superintendent Dr Arief Fajar Satria, S.H., S.I.K., M.H., Head of the Multimedia Sub-task force of Public Relations of Nemangkawi Operations, reported that the TNI-Polri and Mimika Regency Government had performed the first phase of Covid-19 Vaccination.

“I with the Mimika Police Chief and Mimika Dandim (Head of Military District) have carried out the Covid-19 Vaccination,” said Police Superintendent Arief.

On that occasion, the Mimika Police Chief Police Superintendent IG. G. Era Adhinata, S.I.K., said that the TNI-Polri Task Force was obliged to carry out the vaccination.

“It is necessary to know that in Mimika Regency, there is a TNI-Polri Task Force, where most of them are in groups in several sites. And, in line with the President’s program of vaccination, we, the TNI-POLRI task force, have collaborated with the Mimika Regency Health Office in carrying out the vaccination in stages,” said Police Superintendent IG. G. Era Adhinata, S.I.K.

“Those who have not got vaccinated because of certain illnesses or being/having infected by Covid-19 will be rescheduled for the following months,” said the Mimika Sub-Regional Police Chief.

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